* ENGLISH * MISSION #1 (D0201): MOSTVIA VATSKA * DATELINE "DATELINE: 0859 HRS EST,7.1.97" SETDOGG 1 SETMAN 1 SETMAP1 6 SETFACING DTOUR,1 SETAWAY EARSHOT,1 SETANIM DTOUR,9 SETANIM EARSHOT,9 SETDRAW 0 BRIEFSTART CHARSAY DTOUR,3,5,d_tour18.wav CHARTXT ...Okay, I'll give you an example - Blade Runner. SAMPGAP 57999,0 CHARSAY EARSHOT,2,5,ear13.wav CHARTXT What are you saying D.T.? SAMPGAP 32332,43972 CHARTXT That was never a book. SAMPGAP 70348,0 CHARSAY DTOUR,1,5,d_tour19.wav CHARTXT Step off man. SAMPGAP 22856,36510 CHARTXT Philip K. Dick wrote it. SAMPGAP 65747,0 * d_tour turns to look at you... SETANIM DTOUR,9 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,12 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,13 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,14 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,15 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,16 SHOWFRAME PAUSEFRAME 25 CHARSAY EARSHOT,2,5,ear14.wav CHARTXT d_tour, Philip K. Dick never wrote no book called 'Blade Runner'. SAMPGAP 89938,0 SAMPGAP 0,0 SETANIM DTOUR,21 SETANIM EARSHOT 8 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,22 SETANIM EARSHOT 7 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,23 SETANIM EARSHOT 6 SHOWFRAME SETANIM DTOUR,24 SETANIM EARSHOT 5 SHOWFRAME CHARSAY DTOUR,3,6,d_tour20.wav CHARTXT Damn straight. SAMPGAP 20552,26502 CHARTXT He wrote a book called 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' and Ridley Scott turned it into the movie Blade Runner. SAMPGAP 171823,0 DOGGSAYC dog19.wav CHARTXT Okay, men. SAMPGAP 14742,21621 CHARTXT Keep it down and listen up. SAMPGAP 49685,69180 CHARTXT For the benefit of our latest recruit, who I assume you all know by now I'll re-brief the background once again on the situation in Mostvia Vatska. SAMPGAP 250933,273928 CHARTXT When the East European communist bloc broke up in the 1980s, civil war broke out in Slavnia between the three regions of Ljubinia, Slovika and Mostvia. SAMPGAP 469359,483615 CHARTXT These three regions are now fighting for dominance in the disputed territory of Mostvia Vatska - a place we'd all rather forget about... SAMPGAP 649110,659438 CHARTXT ...Unfortunately, the Man won't let us forget about it... SAMPGAP 719017,730578 CHARTXT ...As a matter of fact he's got a few words to say on the matter SAMPGAP 794222,0 MANSAY man04.wav CHARTXT Good morning, Men. SAMPGAP 18803,36212 CHARTXT Good morning New Recruit. SAMPGAP 58690,74850 CHARTXT I hope your stay with us will be a long and mutually beneficial experience. SAMPGAP 180382,191823 CHARTXT Now my friends... let's get down to some serious business. SAMPGAP 259256,0 MAPSAY1 man05.wav CHARTXT Mostvia Vatska - a nightmare name that I'm sure brings back many horrific memories for all of you. SAMPGAP 133713,140577 CHARTXT After a year of relative peace, the civil war has begun once again with such ferocity that the UN is still debating the proper political response. SAMPGAP 340675,344256 CHARTXT Well- I know what the best strategical response is - and the accompanying tactics are here in my hands. SAMPGAP 494167,498699 CHARTXT Repeated attacks on aid convoys in East Ljubinia and subsequent stockpiling of aid by the military on all sides, has resulted in starvation and disease. SAMPGAP 725538,732473 CHARTXT UN supply convoys are being stopped from entering the city of Karanova in northern Slovika... SAMPGAP 864059,885066 CHARTXT ...A Mostvian armored division is laying siege to the city and the aid's not getting through to the people it's meant for. SAMPGAP 1023739,0 MANSAY man06.wav CHARTXT What you've got to do is to get in there and break the siege - and that means taking out the entire armored division. SAMPGAP 153428,161387 CHARTXT Stay alive out there men. SAMPGAP 197446,204696 CHARTXT That is all. SAMPGAP 222097,227065 CHARTXT Good luck. SAMPGAP 241116,0 DOGGSAYM dog20.wav CHARTXT Is everybody clear on that? SAMPGAP 27704,50305 CHARTXT Good. SAMPGAP 59540,78010 CHARTXT Okay. SAMPGAP 88308,99973 CHARTXT Recruit, you're with d_tour in Predator 1. SAMPGAP 152223,169356 CHARTXT 9-1-1, fuel up the Charlie One-thirty. SAMPGAP 214619,224583 CHARTXT Let's do it. SAMPGAP 238182,0 SETANIM DTOUR,16 SETANIM EARSHOT,16 CHARSAY DTOUR,4,0,d_tour21.wav CHARTXT Hey, don't look so down Green. SAMPGAP 51184,57750 CHARTXT At least youz gettin' a trip to Europe, all expenses paid! SAMPGAP 162338,187491 CHARTXT See ya on the plane. SAMPGAP 214345,221878 CHARTXT Let's move. SAMPGAP 238039,0 BRIEFEND